We meet for the second time on what turned out to be a very busy Thursday night in Le Monde, Edinburgh. It was great to welcome many new faces – and not only tech writers. Several attendees were interested in pursuing a career as tech writers and wanted to find out more.
There was a mix of experience and fields represented, so those interested in the field certainly got a good range of views. Unfortunately, the continuing tram works around the city played a role again by hindering some from attending.
Topics discussed were varied, but as you’d expect plenty of time was given over to Thanksgiving. Thanks to the ISTC for providing copies of the Communicator. These were greatly received by non-members and sparked discussions around the benefits of membership as well as topics in the magazine.
We are looking forward to our next meeting in February and happy to welcome more Tech Writers, or those connected with, or interested in the field.
Merry Christmas to all