Anyone with an interest in technical communication can join the ISTC as an associate. If you want to join at another grade, you must provide some evidence to support your application.
In particular, Members and Fellows must (as a minimum):
- Explain how their experience meets the requirements for the grade
- Provide an up-to-date CV for review by the membership committee
- Agree to maintain their professional knowledge (and in the case of Fellows, comply with a CPD Framework that provides evidence of their learning, whether formal or informal)
Letters after your name
Fellows of the ISTC are entitled to use the letters FISTC after their names; Members are entitled to use the letters MISTC. These normally follow any post-nominals relating to education. For example:
- Mary Brown BSc MISTC
- John Smith FISTC
Using logos on stationery, websites and in email signatures
The ISTC enables members at Member and Fellow grades to use the appropriate logo to display their continuing commitment. This is because evidence is reviewed by the ISTC before it accepts an application for the Member or Fellow grades.
Right click an image below to save it to your computer.
Certified Member Logos

Certified Fellow Logos