The cold, wet and windy weather kept several of the regular members away which is a shame when you consider that our presenter, Kimb, travelled the 40 miles from Barnsley to present his ideas. Ideas around what an Intranet is and how he is going to provide exactly what is needed for the Barnsley Hospital Trust where he works. Kimb discussed how the word “Intranet” is an overused and poorly defined term. His conjecture is that the intranet is simply the network, like the Internet, although the term is often confused with all of the html-based services that are available inside enterprise networks. His conclusion: Barnsley Hospital Trust need a staff website. A good website. And that is all!
Kimb enjoyed his night and as one partner in an event-organizing duo he expressed how keen he is to attend more meetings and even bring some of his other connections to speak at the meeting. My assessment is that Kimb is a social pioneer and deserves every success with his Make Do venture ( )