The back issue of this journal is available to ISTC members as a PDF file (11MB) as is the Supplement (3MB).
ISTC news
- From the editor
- President’s view
- Online groups
- ISTC Community
- IEC 1906 Award
- The landscape changes…again
Neil Perlin
Keeping up-to-date with the latest trends in technical communication - Best practices for screen video
Matthew Pierce
Recommending best practices for improving screencast videos - Creating narrated videos for software
Martin Block
Sharing his experiences of learning and implementing narrated videos - Scientific writing
John Blackwell
Discussing how scientific writing is like telling and selling a story - Remember your roots
Carol Leahy
Giving insights into technical communications and medical teaching - Seconds out…sprint one
Mike Robinson and John Burns
Debating whether project managers can work with Scrum Masters - Ten reasons to love Flare 10
Paul Pehrson
Independently reviewing MadCap Software’s latest release - Dr Explain 4.10 review
Colum McAndrew
Looking at this latest version and what it can do - Review of Adobe RoboHelp 11
Matthew Ellison
Providing highlights of this release - Enhancing web output with jQuery
John Espirian
Explaining how a little code can help to add features to our web output - Developing a term checker
Mike Unwalla
Writing software to control language usage using ASD-STE100 - Stress: the final frontier
Galyna Key
Learning techniques for dealing with daily stress - Transformation or leap of faith?
James Stevenson
Analysing the journey from engineering manager to managing technical
Regular columns
- Adobe tips – Colum McAndrew
- MadCap tips – Matthew Ellison
- Ethical dilemmas – Warren Singer
- Reflections – Andrew Peck
- Editing – Jean Rollinson
- Book review – Andrew Peck

Special Supplement: Translation and Localisation
- From the editor
Katherine Judge, ISTC
Introducing this special supplement - Expert project management is paramount
Helen Eckersley, ITR
Explaining why complex technical translation projects require expert project management for a successful outcome - Breaking the barriers of multilingual social media
Chetan Khushal, translate plus
Looking at the rising influence and use of social media and the steps needed to communicate with a multilingual audience - Localisation will help you export and grow
Paul Ballard and John Bendel, 3di
Explaining how a shift from thinking about translation, to localisation, will help deliver export success - Translation decisions now depend on brand impact
Louise Law, Welocalize
Describing how your translation decisions can have an impact on your brand - Built on air? Built on a rock!
James Valentine and Gerta Badde, Bedford Translations
Sharing discoveries their team has made using cloud-based translation technology to deal with globalisation of the world’s languages - Reducing localisation costs with FrameMaker 12
Maxwell Hoffmann, Adobe
Helping you reduce your costs, with or without XML