Lessons for Technical Authors from the field of Software Engineering
By Marjorie Jones
It seems fitting that our first presenter this year, is the outgoing Southern Area Group Leader, Marjorie Jones, who is Technical Author at Exony.
This talk is a repeat of the presentation she gave at TCUK14. It will look at the software lifecycle and the parallels with the modern structured authoring process. There will be practical examples of how best practices and techniques borrowed from software development can help organise and structure document components, avoid errors and ensure quality, efficiency and maintainability. There maybe time to include a little more detail in some places if anyone is interested, and hopefully it will be slightly less formal and more interactive, given the venue.
Venue Details
The venue is the Royal Oak, entrance on Royal Oak passage (between High Street and St Georges Street) and also on St Georges Street (postcode SO23 9AU). We have reserved the lower bar (which is supposedly the oldest bar in Winchester). Food is available for those who wish to eat.
If you would like to attend, please would you register your interest using the following link to Eventbrite – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/istc-southern-area-group-winchester-tues-10th-february-2015-7-10pm-tickets-15444886070