The back issue of this journal is available to ISTC members as a PDF file. This issue was accompanied by a bellyband from Adobe Systems Incorporated.
ISTC news
- From the editor
- President’s view
- Online groups
- Event news
- Continuous professional development (CPD)
- How do you design for findability?
Jonatan Lundin
Offering tips to help users find what they’re looking for - FAQs for reviewers of manuals
Steve Thompson
Considering nine FAQs for reviewing manuals - Enhancing Word with VBA macros
Mike Mee
Starting to learn how to fix documents with VBA - Embracing topic-based authoring
Maxwell Hoffmann
Sharing strategies for moving into XML authoring - How to create personalised learning
Kayleigh Tanner
Finding out how to design and implement personalised learning - The power of two!
Michael Gregson and John Burns
Examining how Lean and Six Sigma complement each other - What’s the matter with a metaphor?
Fiona Heathcote
Explaining how the technical metaphor is used - Accessibility of SVG hypergraphics
Dave Gardiner
Outlining how visual-first interfaces meet accessibility requirements - Engaging with customers: part 3
Fiona Tayler and David Fennell
Speaking about the McAfee Cus
tomer Engagement initiative - The future of virtual reality
Tim Luft
Taking a look at the future of virtual reality: business to business - Success with desktop publishing
Kavita Kovvali
Maximising international reach with desktop publishing
Regular columns
- Reflections – Andrew Peck
- MadCap tips – Matthew Ellison
- Ethical dilemmas – Warren Singer
- Book review – Damien Braniff
- Editing – Jean Rollinson
- A day in the life – Ant Davey