The next meeting of the ISTC East Scotland group will be on Thursday the 17th September at 6:30pm in the The Kenilworth on Rose Street, Edinburgh,
We are trying out a new format for the meetings that we hope will provide a better learning opportunity for all those who attend. There will be two short talks talks (5-10 mins) each followed by a Q&A. Attendees are encouraged to stay after the talks to discuss the topic further.
Topics for this month’s talks:
- Using DITA in an Agile environment: George Lewis (doc-department)
- Translating Flare content with Lingo: Chris Burden (doc-department)
The event is free and open to anyone interested in technical communications to learn about the latest news and trends in communication, and to meet other communication professionals.
Venue details:
The meeting will be in the back room; Go straight through the bar, the room is on the left.
Please register your interest for the event if you intend to attend.