The back issue of this journal is available to ISTC members as a PDF file (11MB).
This issue was sponsored by MadCap Software.
ISTC news
- From the editor
- Your ISTC directory
- President’s view
- Online groups
- ISTC news – From newbie to retiree
- TCeurope honours award 2015
- Event news
- Studying in the virtual classroom
Louise Fahey
Reviewing and reflecting on the University of Limerick’s writing course - Five benefits of gaming for businesses
Kayleigh Tanner
Discussing creating games as learning material - Perfect your editing with PerfectIt
Alison Reeves
Reviewing PerfectIt Pro version 3 - Working remotely
Warren Singer
Examining trends, tools and applications for flexible working - Who is a better technical communicator?
Carol Leahy
Debating the role of gender in technical communications - Can we quit QWERTY?
Ellis Pratt
Looking at viable options for replacing QWERTY - Where DITA enhancements come from
Brian Lanigan
Exploring problems and solutions that inspire changes to the standard - A company-wide semantic network
Frank Zscheile
Optimising writing processes with the help of Acrolinx - Variables and screen output/input
Mike Mee
Showing you how to use variables and message boxes with Word VBA - Review of Adobe RoboHelp 2015 release
Matthew Ellison
Assessing the new features of this recent release - The tools of choice
Michael Gregson and John Burns
Sharing key Lean and Six Sigma tools for business improvement - An introduction to robotics
Wael Elazab and Warren Singer
Introducing a new technology regular column
Regular columns
- MadCap tips – Matthew Ellison
- Book review – Andrew Peck
- Ethical dilemmas – Warren Singer
- Editing – Jean Rollinson
- Teleworking in 1994 – Iain Wright
- A day in the life – Fiona Heathcote