The next meeting of the ISTC East Scotland group will be on Thursday the 12th November at 6:30pm in the The Kenilworth on Rose Street, Edinburgh,
There will be two short talks talks (5-10 mins) each followed by a Q&A. Attendees are encouraged to stay after the talks to discuss the topic further.
Topics for this month’s talks
- Translating Flare content with Lingo
Chris Burden (doc-department) will cover some key points to watch out for when using the MadCap translation path. - Developing support videos
Bridget Khursheed (KAL) will share some ideas about creating videos for partner support training.
The event is free and open to anyone interested in technical communications to learn about the latest news and trends in communication, and to meet other communication professionals.
Venue details
The meeting will be in the back room; Go straight through the bar, the room is on the left.
Please register your interest for the event if you intend to attend.