Video creation as a topic-based content delivery method
When: Wednesday 8th November 18:30 – 21:00.
Where: ARM3 Lecture Theatre | Arm Ltd | 110 Fulbourn Road | CB1 9NJ Cambridge
Abstract: Technical writers are sometimes asked by clients to create video segments to be included in online content.
This session will help you to get started if the medium of video is new to you, or if you are looking for some hints to improve your video production capabilities without turning yourself into a videographer.
Note that this meeting is for both the ISTC and the Write the Docs Cambridge Area Groups.
Yuri Kolber is the Director of Training and Professional Services for OnTarget Communications. He has served as a Platform Evangelist for Microsoft for many years, and has assisted global consulting organisations plan and roll out content management and training programs for their customers.
Next steps: Entry is free to all. However, please book your free ticket through Eventbrite at the link below. This allows us to determine how many people are coming and to prepare visitor badges.