The back issue of this journal is available to ISTC members as a PDF file (8MB).
This issue was accompanied by a bellyband and insert from Adobe Systems Incorporated.
ISTC news
- From the editor
- Area groups
- President’s view
- Your ISTC directory
- Business affiliates
- UK Technical Communication Awards 2017
- Horace Hockley Award 2017
- Mike Austin Award 2017
- Event news
- A day at TCUK 2017: conference convert
Sabrina Harris
Describing her experience as a new attendee - Challenging our content comfort zone
Siobhán Ní Chatháin
Reflecting on TCUK 2017 and calling for a re-evaluation of text-first approaches to content design - Is Information 4.0 the future?
Neil Perlin
Introducing Information 4.0 and the effect that this European-driven concept may have on technical communication and industry - User vs loser documentation
Dirk Göhmann and Cate Mackenzie
Ensuring the success of your documentation. Great content, no readers? - Communications and user experience
Kristina Mausser
Exploring the evolution of internal communications via user experience as a foundation for engaging digital workplaces - Does industry need better authors?
Tony Eyre
Wondering about the abilities of today’s technical ‘writers’. Does it matter if engineers can’t write well? - Adapting authoring tools and processes
Joanna Kusiak
Investigating the importance of adapting as your organisation evolves - SVG for multilingual procedural videos
Dave Gardiner
Outlining the potential for producing simple videos with translated content in web-based help - Creating user forms: part 1
Mike Mee
Coding an interface for your Microsoft Word VBA code - ST4: improve your content
Phil Lane
Revealing how SCHEMA ST4’s advanced tools can take your content to the next level
Regular columns
- MadCap tips – Matthew Ellison
- Adobe tips – Bharat Prakash
- Controlled language – Mike Unwalla
- Ethical dilemmas – Warren Singer
- Editing – Jean Rollinson
- Book review – Rhetorica: A toolkit of 21 everyday writing techniques by Scott Keyser. Reviewed by Marjorie Jones