The back issue of this journal is available to ISTC members as a PDF file.
This issue was accompanied by a bellyband and insert from MadCap Software.
ISTC news
- From the editor
- President’s view
- UK Technical Communication news
- ISTC groups and online
- Your ISTC directory
- User pain points and overcoming them
Helen Hill
How do you ensure that your e-learning is suitable for your users? The author describes six pain points and gives suggestions for conquering them. - Are you talking to me?
George Lewis
Tailoring your technical documentation to specific users by creating personas. - Improving the user experience with emojis
Jamie Nickerson
Can adding well known images enhance your documentation to make it more visually appealing? - Who is the user? And why we should care
Katherine Judge
Tips for creating documentation for your users. - Pictograms to the rescue
Tony Eyre
Putting up your hand to admit “I should have read the instructions”. - An adventure in technical communication
Derek Cooper
Rejoicing in finding an outlet for traditional technical communication. - S1000D for the Amphibious Battalion
Jenny Jansson and Mats Broberg
A case study about implementing the S1000D standard. Published in two parts. - Part 2: Overview of mobile technology
Warren Singer
In part 2 we explore further the technology behind modern mobile phone networks and their relevance to technical communicators.