The ISTC is the only technical communication membership organisation based in the UK, and is a not-for-profit organisation run by its members, on behalf of its members.
Business affiliation enables your business to take advantage of a range of benefits and to contribute to promoting technical communication as a profession.
Becoming an affiliate gives the message to members, prospects and clients that you are serious about what you do.
Five opportunities ISTC business affiliation can offer your organisation
1. Increase your exposure to our talented members
You can increase your exposure to our talented members by promoting your organisation to hundreds of industry professionals through links on the ISTC website and opportunities within our award-winning quarterly journal Communicator, InfoPlus+ monthly newsletter, area group meetings, and our annual conference, Technical Communication UK.
2. Demonstrate your expertise
Your organization can demonstrate your expertise by hosting webinars and workshops, communicate case studies and contribute to our online communities via the ISTC discussion groups.
3. Save money
You can save money by receiving discounted bookings on events including our annual conference and can take advantage of significant advertising discounts in both Communicator and InfoPlus.
4. Keep up-to-date with the industry
You can keep up-to-date with the industry by meeting our members, establishing connections with partners and suppliers and invite members to take part in surveys, webinars, research and beta testing.
5. Boost credibility
Lastly, you can boost your credibility and add value to your communications by being affiliated with a valued community.