Our members gain a great deal from the ISTC’s links with the technical communication business community. And those businesses that support the ISTC gain access to the most talented people in the industry: our members.
Our Business Affiliate programme has been in place for over 15 years, and many of the companies and organisations listed here have made a real difference to the the UK technical communication community through their commitment, professionalism, and dedicated staff
The following companies are currently Business Affiliates of the ISTC (Why become a Business Affiliate?):
Gold Level Business Affiliates
Silver Level Business Affiliates
Bronze Level Business Affiliates
- Author Services Technical
- Cherryleaf
- Eston Training
- Fantom Factory
- Firehead
- Geo Language Services
- The i-Team
- Interactive Technical Solutions
- Omnilingua
- PSBT (Polish Association of Translation Agencies)
Become a Business Affiliate
To apply to be a Business Affiliate member, contact the ISTC Office.