The ISTC believes in encouraging new entrants to the profession, and has a category of membership – Student – that enables people to take advantage of what the ISTC has to offer them at a reduced price. See How to join the ISTC for more information.
One thing that many students struggle with is identifying a course that meets their needs – and being able to ask the opinions of other technical communicators about the suitability of a proposed course of study is invaluable.
The ISTC is a supportive environment for students, with more experienced members of our profession willing to share advice and support through our discussion forums. When you progress to Junior membership, you may choose to take advantage of our mentoring scheme. This provides you with individual guidance from a senior ISTC member.
What is an ‘ISTC Accredited’ course?
A course is designated as ‘ISTC Accredited’ when it has been reviewed by a professional panel of experienced ISTC members, and the panel has decided that the course meets its stated objectives and is suitable for its intended audience.
Accredited courses are provided by independent specialist training companies and organisations, many of which are well-known in our industry. Some of the providers are ISTC Business Affiliates.
Please see the current list of accredited courses on the Courses in Technical Communication page. This list is updated as new courses are added. All accredited courses are reviewed every two years to ensure they remain current.
Please note: ISTC Accreditation refers to the standard of the course, and not to any certificate or other qualification offered by the course providers. Students who complete an ISTC Accredited course must still apply for membership of the ISTC in the usual way.