If you would like to attend, please email istc@istc.org.uk for a link to the relevant sessions.
TCUK Metro Online Conference Day will be held in the afternoon of Tuesday 28th September. The programme will be as follows:
- 1:00pm-2:00pm: ISTC Annual General Meeting for ISTC members only ahead of the main conference.
- 2:00pm-2:30pm: Annual Awards Presentations
- 2:45pm-3:30pm: Webinar: ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution and its impact on Techcomms’: presentation by Ray Gallon (followed by Q & A session).
- 3:45pm- 4:30pm: Webinar: ‘Digital development team –gov.uk: title to be assigned presentation by Markland Starkie – Head of Content, government digital services team (followed by Q & A session).
In the same week (Monday 27th September to Friday 1st October) we will be holding other online days as TCUK Online satellite events. Some dates and events (afternoons) are in place:
- Monday 27th September: ‘Soft Skills in the new workplace’: presentation by C J Walker (followed by Q & A session). 14:00 to 15.30 (approx)
- Thursday 30th September: ‘The evolution of technical communications in video gaming‘: presentation by Maria Loureiro (followed by Q & A session) 15:00 to 16.30 (approx).